Andrea Rangone President of Digital360 Gianni Email List General Manager of FPA Vittorio Colao at the Forum PA 2021: "we must enter the Champions League" “We don't just want to go to Serie A, we want to go to the Champions League. Our goal is not Email List just to be good, but to be among the best ”. Thus Minister Colao opens his speech which follows that of Rangone. "We have a great opportunity today - continues the Minister .
To develop a relationship of trust between the Email List and citizens by simplifying their relations to increase productivity and make daily life easier". To those who pointed out to Colao the backwardness of our country in the digital transaction, the Email List Minister responded by reporting the excellent results achieved in a very short time since the introduction of the SPID digital identity, today in the possession of a third of citizens, that 2.5 million payments are made through the Email List App , which the App Io has 11.5 million users.
We are no longer Serie D, we are starting to move towards Email List B and perhaps we also have the potential to enter Serie A," says Colao. This is if the great machine of the PA will be able to speed up its procedures, which is then the greatest fear of the Email List Minister who appeals to everyone so that, each in his own, he undertakes to speed up any organizational Email List process as much as possible, because the times are of the essence.