Verge of a panic attack. And Phone Number List patients live with the distrust of resorting to the health system for fear of contagion. The pandemic also represents an unprecedented opportunity to change the way we produce health. Although much needs to be changed, it is not possible (or should not) to operate on all the organs at the same time. Primum Phone Number List non the first thing is to do no harm . My proposal consists of selecting a set of care based on the life cycle, defining responsibilities for all the actors (the State as rector, the financiers, the providers, but also the patients) and incorporating incentives that align the conduct of all of them to Phone Number List complete lines of strategic care.
For each age and sex, a set of Phone Number List care would be prioritized that would require a proactive approach and that would be defined through diagnosis and treatment schemes. All citizens should have a digital medical Phone Number List record that allows verifying that they have received diagnostic and treatment practices, but also verify their adherence to care. Furthermore, all citizens (or better yet, These professionals and/or teams would be evaluated and paid not based on Phone Number List the benefits they provide, but based on compliance with the lines of care verified through medical records.
Funders public, social or Phone Number List private would also be evaluated from the State for their epidemiological contribution, achieving defined health results (tracers) on the population under their care. In that case, the incentives would be financial, in the best of Phone Number List cases, or at least it would be the periodic publication of a based on their epidemiological performance. For example, there would be specific incentives for children to have their vaccination Phone Number List schedule up to date, for pregnant women to comply with a floor of gestational controls.