In an age when work-life balance is more of an issue than ever, finding ways to make this possible is as important for law firms as anyone else special leads and flexible working benefits both employees and their employers. Times have changed a lot in the legal profession as in so many others. A key fact of working life today is that Britons not only work special leads more hours on average than their European counterparts, but also it is the norm for households to have two or more working people. channable-campaign-june-2022 With 76.1 per cent of the UK working-age population in employment –
The highest levels since records began in 1971 – the special leads reality is that for millions, juggling work and home life is a challenge. This is particularly true for couples with dependent children. The feminine factor Central to this has been the growing presence of women in the workforce – and the legal sector has been heavily impacted by this trend. Not only are special leads many more women law than was the case in the past; the latest trends suggest the profession may be increasingly female-dominated in the years ahead. For example, Law special leads Society figures for the 2017-18 academic year revealed that of the 18,000 students accepted onto law courses, 68 per cent were female.

Flexible working is clearly a way special leads to help people in all sectors of the economy balance work and home responsibilities; for example, by allowing one of the parents to be able to do the school run. It can include features such as remote working, flexible hours and the opportunity to take leave at short notice should the need arise. The issue special leads for law firms is how they can manage this. After all, with busy caseloads and lots of demanding clients, any successful firm is likely to be very active and will need to deploy its resources very efficiently to balance the competing needs of providing a good service to clients and maintaining a strong work-life balance.