Threats and sometimes cuts with scissors. They also described being hit by objects thrown at them by people. Such a description of "injury" is shocking just by reading it, not to mention that as an educator, encountering school violence is actually similar to some of the workplace bullying situations in my new book "Workplace Bullying" this year. When teachers encounter violence on campus, it is equivalent to an unsafe workplace environment. Laura Walton, president of the Ontario School Board Employees Association, Canada, has been an education assistant for 20 years. As a female educator, she has also experienced violence at work. She described having scratches and scars.
Her jaw was once dislocated. 3. Violent students popular database and parents overreact to "heard words" When campus incidents occur, some students sometimes overreact to the teachings of school teachers. Some students get angry when they hear the teacher's description of the incident, which is "not what the students want to hear". The reason for this is that they are overly impulsive. In addition, some parents hear their children talk about the situation of being bullied by the teacher, and it is inevitable to describe the situation as "fueling the jealousy". This result leads parents to think that the teacher must settle the account. This situation complicates an otherwise simple educational event.
In fact, parents and students in school violence incidents must empathize with the teacher's position in the face of "different positions". Because the number of students to be taught by the teacher is large, and a teacher is faced with many students, it is inevitable that occasionally Impatient verbal, sometimes even inappropriate verbal expression results in damage to the student's self-esteem. 1 2 ยป Read the full text